Trusting in a Seed

Have you ever thought, "What is God asking me to do with my life right now?". I am sure there's an echo of people responding with "Absolutely!" right now as they read this article.

One of my favourite saints, St. John Paul the Great (aka JPII), is known for saying "In God's plan, nothing happens by chance". Every second of our life is purposeful, even if we can't understand it in the moment and that's exactly what happened with The Written Seed.

A few years ago, in contemplative prayer, I received a beautiful image of a large mountain which was behind a crystal-clear-blue water lake and a lot of greenery.

At first I thought it was just my imagination and did not think much of it.

However, what surprised me in the weeks, months and years to follow was that this image would repeatedly return to my mind and specifically during my prayer time.

It was no coincidence at all in hindsight.

I grew to love the mountain and its beauty, wondering if God was showing me a place I would visit in the near future. Then one day, I decided to ask our Lord a question: "Lord, where is this mountain? What does it mean?". Surprisingly, I received an immediate answer. A peaceful voice in my heart spoke saying "Fear".

Not the answer I was expecting and one that pushed me to action. If this represents fear, I don't want it.

Then the scripture from Matthew (Chap 17:20-21) came to mind, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”.

Was the Lord asking me to move it? Yes. With extreme and blind faith.

So I did. There were many moments over the years that I had doubt in this. Many times I questioned it. But above all, the moments I believed and persevered to repeatedly ask Him to continue moving it, even when things didn't make sense in my personal life, far outweighed the moments of doubt and weakness.

Slowly, over 3 years, that mountain moved to the right. Little by little and I had so much impatience with it too. So often I would pray in desperation "Lord, just move it. Get it away".

I prayed for patience and when I fully surrendered and believed it was moving effortlessly without me needing to see every shift to the right, the most beautiful thing happened.

One night, I entered into prayer and Jesus showed me a large field of soil. What stood out to me was that this soil was so rich and dark. It was fresh and ready for a seed to be planted in it.

I asked Jesus "Lord, where did this field come from?".

He replied: "Look to your right where the mountain was moving".

I did as He asked and saw no mountain. Not even a distant and small indication of where it was. The view to my right was completely clear.

I looked at Him full of joy. The mountain of fear was gone.

He then explained to me, "This rich soil is where the mountain sat on for years. It is now ready for one seed to be planted".

I replied: "Just one seed? It's a large field, surely we can plant more?".

Jesus: "No, just one. Trust me".

So we did just that and the one small, mustard seed was planted. I knew in that moment it represented His desire for me to start The Written Seed which had been brewing in my heart for years but I didn't know the right time to start it.

And so it began - The Written Seed.

The Written Seed isn't just a small business. There are so many more things I want to share with you all, but it's not yet time for that.

This platform will be a place where I will create and sell handwritten calligraphy artwork that I hope blesses you, your family and everyone that reads the words of it each time they see it in your home.

However, I also want my blog articles and the many projects I have to come, to plant a seed that lets you personally get closer to God and His great plans for you.

When it comes to God's will, I used to be afraid of what it meant. Would I have to lose all the things I loved? Would my life be boring? So far, it's been the exact opposite of that.

The mountain of fear is gone and won't be returning. I have no doubt in that and complete confidence.

I have learnt that an openness to God's will and what He wants for me is the answer to everything.

As Pope Benedict XVI said, "Each of us is a result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary".

So today, ask Him what His will is for you in this time of your life. Let Him plant a seed of greatness. It won't only give you complete joy, confidence and freedom, but through it, you will help others come to know Him.


How Silence Led To Answered Prayers